Daniel@defidaniel·/DeFi·Feb 15

I wonder if

Orb will release a token Lens will release a token

My opinion is they shouldn’t.


  • ZELDA@0xzelda·Feb 16

    Hmm no thoughts 🤐

    • Moose ◱ ◱@tomoose·Feb 16

      Probably should try to get PMF first, a lot of users just here for an airdrop, myself included.

      Doesn't currently have anything that keeps me coming back.

      • AlicΞ@punkess·Feb 15

        if it’s not (supposed to become) decentralised and credible neutral why bother building on a blockchain stack? If it’s a token, a lens profile, POINTS, $POINTLESS or whatever powering governance 🤷♀️

        imo tokens are an amazing marketing tool. But maybe there are other ways, new approaches we can experiment with. 🤔

        What do you think?

        • As Lens plans to decentralize, the only way to govern it will be through some kind of token based mechanism. So $LENS is coming, the question is wen.

          Regarding Orb token - there's more leeway to decide I guess. The app could very well function without it. However, token could bring additional utilities. E.g., incentivising usage in return for app revenue share, special perks to holders, etc. Really interesting what @nilesh and @kipto will cook there.

          Good bait question indeed 😉.

          • defifury@defifury·Feb 15

            Why do you think Orb needs a token?
