Ting affiliate Twitch Affiliate Ps4 and XB1 and PC gamer member of @Twitchkittens t.co/gTHhzQFzsP t.co/0T9ohUlPR0
Product Designer at SushiSwap ? ?
Reporter at @TechCrunch. This is my email: sarahp@techcrunch.com. I used to be in Tampa. Now Im in Raleigh. I didnt think this Twitter username thing through.
User-Driven Content - Open Blockchains - (3,3, 4,4, Defi 2.0) @OlympusDAO,http://localhost:3000 @AuguryFinance, @StackerVentures, @MIM_Spell, @_alchemistcoin
Brooklyn based musician & creative.
ملكي بالفطرة #الاهلي وطن من لا وطن له .
grace, grit, and gratitude
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