@0xtomi.lens @poolboy.lens @phaver.lens @thesmurfssociety.lens

Here’s our digital smurf

This is a story from early days when youtube was early and this young smurf lived in village. He and his family were living peaceful life but it was financially hard.

This young boy used to do all kind of crazy adventures and parties in village farms and deep in between trees

One day he started youtube channel and started uploading his daily crazy adventures which were very low cost. This attracted attention of many other smurfs from city and from other countries.

Due to youtube his life changed as he got famous and rich. His crazy adventure also got crazier. Because that’s how village and jungle life is 😉

Now he is on @phaver.lens to share his content and let his adventures be known to phaverites. I’m sure phaver will do him all good ❤️

@0xtomi.lens @poolboy.lens @phaver.lens @thesmurfssociety.lens 

Here’s our digital smurf

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