so I'm not that close with my grandmother, but today I tried to explain to her over the phone that I'm working on "an art project" (the art project being my life lol) and learning a lot about different AI models. you can probably imagine that her response was rather negative - along the lines of, "why would you, with your human intelligence, need to use artificial intelligence?" she's over 80 so, fine, she probably won't get it until I show her my work (and even then, idk). 😞

anyway, this was made with midjourney, pixlr, runwayml and photomosh pro. gif version minted on zeroone ( so I'm posting a static here available for collection.

enjoy your weekend, everyone 💓

what color is the grass again?
  • Roy Barker@00457·Sep 16

    nice pic

    • MazeMari@mazemari·Sep 16

      It's hard to understand all the new tech things even for much younger people than your grandma. Take it easy on her, she cares about you, even if she doesn't understand your work 💝

      • Preegee@preegee·Sep 16

        This is beautiful! I'm currently out of collect passes on ZeroOne. Need to create something 😅

        • WannaCry@wannacry·Sep 15

          You just gotta have the tunnel vision if you wanna succeed you’ll get many difficulties chasing the life you want but if you love your work and passionate about that I’m sure you’ll get through it. Stay strong girl you don’t have to prove anyone how talented you’re just stay focused and be happy.

          • Samm@sababa·Sep 15

            I’m old enough to be your grandmother and I have to say, I understand, and your work is exquisite. It’s difficult 😞when others don’t see. You are talented and loved. I enjoy your art and look forward to your posts. A 62 year old here. Your grandmother would say I was a baby😁

            • Carla Monni@cmn__·Sep 15

              og my dear... I understand that recognition from family is very important....but you are building for the future generations not for the past ones=)🧜🏻‍♀️ You AMAZING...mermaid words=)

              mermaid GIF