As Solana increasingly becomes the third biggest (and from a mainstream perspective, almost the most important) Layer 1 blockchain, the "Solana killer" narrative will increasingly come to the forefront. Aptos and Sui are perfect Solana betas, so they are worth keeping an eye on in the future.

  • Exoteric@exoteric·Aug 15

    Excellent summer rising. . Suis is a bit weird for me. There’s not a lot thars easy to see. Bollywood or the creation centers in Eussia and India.

    Altos I loved it the first time I heard about it. It’s under most trader’s raider still. Aptos has proven efficacy, an upscaling steps. Once more if Apros hits normal America. Aptos is a solid layer one,

    • peticopter@peticopter·Aug 13

      Great words! Im totally agree

      • Kirill@kfursovv·Aug 12

        Agree with aptos, but not sui 100%

        • Where’s my Solana phone?

          • NoHussle@nohussle·Aug 12

            You might not be wrong
