dankshard@dankshard·/DeFi·Feb 27

What do you, think how could the launch of Blast Mainnet affect the overall Ethereum market? Currently there's $ 2.1 billion worth of $ETH locked up there since the end of last year.

  • mcsquared@mcsquared·Feb 27

    I think it’ll stay there at least until farming becomes more clear

    • ZELDA@0xzelda·Feb 27

      Well it’s kinda crazy ! Well perfect timing for them especially with the bulls coming in

      • AlicΞ@punkess·Feb 27

        If you are degen enough to deposit your eth into a multisig for several months, i don’t think selling is the next step - rather re-re-re-re staking 😂

        • $ETH sell pressure?

          • dankshard@dankshard·Feb 27

            Correction: $ETH + $DAI + wETH, but 93% of the TVL is $ETH so does not really makes a difference.
