LensMagic@magesticMay 31

Kaira is now open to all our Lens frens! 馃コ

](https://twitter.com/KairaNetwork)) Kaira](https://twitter.com/KairaNetwork)) http://localhost:3000/u/KairaNetwork](https://twitter.com/KairaNetwork)) Kaira is now open to all our Lens frens! 馃コ Join us and create your first discussion topic. Our goal is to foster a discussion culture on http://localhost:3000/u/LensProtocol,](https://twitter.com/LensProtocol),) just as Reddit did on Web2! Log in to <kaira.network> with your Lens handle and start to earn $KAIRA](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24KAIRA\&src=cashtag_click)) token rewards!