What is the argument for an open protocol or foundational tech company to have a separate, distinct org act as a “foundation” for grant-giving/incubating ecosystem contributions? Where has this been done successfully?

I.e. would/should OpenAI have a separate org for grant-giving/incubating? Where would/should the funding come from this? Should it have a biz model/be profitable?

  • Mikzir@mikzir·Mar 25

    I guess it is done to separate for-profit part of business from public goods, It is quite good idea and many companies use it.

    • what a question

      • bunwaejeu@nftlab·Mar 25

        Yeah, I agree with u

        • Stani@stani·Mar 25

          the most common model for savvier founders that are well funded is usually to start with non-profit/research initiative and later add a for profit layer if the tech takes off the ground. Its what we have seen happening with OpenAI. Web3 model is more of add foundation for grants/ecosystem and for profit entity on the side for the founding team, there might be a MSA between even the foundation and the for profit co for certain services for the foundation such as ecosystem growth. Near, Avalanche and Arbitrum also going to the same path for example
