Music is the universal language of joy, transcending barriers and resonating within the depths of our souls.
Circa 2002 - As a 12 year old kid, I was fascinated to watch a video of a legendary Dutch DJ gracing the mainstage at a festival and thousands of people dancing to his music. My cousin Vivek would share with me and @elkhefe.lens tons of electronic music via cassettes and CDs back then, and we could only imagine the joy of sharing the same music with others and make them dance.
Aug 2023 - Harshit and I have come a long way in music and it was very kind of team #Consensys to share our #music journey with the world.
Heartfelt thanks to all the good folks who have encouraged us brothers in this journey - Sandeep Chowta, Vikram Ghatpande, team @nammamusic.lens, Raksha & Sunder Ram, Akshai Sarin, Arpito Gope, Team Rolling Stone India, @saswat.lens @zoworld.lens @manipalmafia.lens, Team Biconomy, Superblock, Zo House Bangalore, Divo, Musifie!
@elkhefe.lens and I dropped our 2021 release #Desify under the alias @chalkandcheeze.lens on @supercollector.lens to celebrate this. Link in comment :)