Lens@lens·Oct 07

Lens Creator Bytes

As the Lens fam continues to grow we are starting a new weekly series where we get members of the community to share some insights about their journey into Web3 and some alpha for our amazing creators out there.

This week’s guest writer is Nick Hollins from @ufoclub.lens

Q1) Tell us about yourself

"I’m an artist and musician who started out in crypto in 2017 coming from journalism, broadcasting, festivals and the music industry. These days I spend my time on creative projects with friends around the world, learning and exploring ideas with DAOs and communities."

Q2) Tell us about your project(s) and what is your mission?

"I’m the creator and host of UFO Club, a place for revolutionary ideas. It’s a podcast experimenting with web3 publishing and community, talking with artists, musicians and web3 builders about the future.

I’m a founder of voyager (www.voyager.xyz/)) which is a collective launching artists, musicians and culture-bearers into web3 space. My mission is empowering artists and the counterculture with free internet spaces built on open protocols. Discovering what these networks and realms can produce in culture and artistic expression."

Q3) What excites you about Web3?

"It’s the future of the internet. An opportunity to redesign our digital environments for more positive outcomes, as the current centralised platforms have significant negative effects. When you attend Ethereum meetups or join a DAO’s discord community, you meet people from all over the world who are inspired and actively building out projects with open web3 protocols. Sharing knowledge and collaborating. The rapid rate of experimentation and a freedom to fuck around and find out is an exciting space to be in. Reimagining the internet for greater collective good is worthy of time and attention."

Q4) What tips do you have for aspiring creators in the space?

"At first it’s about learning all you can. Some recommendations for getting up to speed include The Defiant, Forefront, On The Other Side by Chase Chapman, Water & Music, and UpOnly. The Infinite Machine by Cami Russo is a great read about the history of Ethereum.

There’s many opportunities to join projects and DAOs. Bring your skills to the space. Shifting from observation to actively contributing helps to make friends, connect with people, and build your network. Always be trying what’s new for creators. Apply for beta access to things and test out new tools, see how things connect together. Right now Lens is a space to be active."

Q5) What’s next for you?

"Building with the voyager collective. I’ll be continuing to experiment with publishing across the Lens ecosystem. Recording new episodes of UFO each week with projects including Metalabel, Songcamp, and Zerion. We are hearing rumours about the UFO Club — engage with us on @ufoclub.lens and Twitter for an invitation."