Dear Bonsai Team I am sending 156.24 Matic cent to Bonsai Contact Address by mistake. Kindly check if my fund is returned it will help me a lot. Or I'd be happy with Bonsai tokens at that rate.
If it is returned to me please give me this address: 0xfBa2A2332CcBec81f7d08b24C1bBD825dE7cbd53
TX Id : 0xe19684977e964d831823b7fa7de4a1ca946d58605b60c3ea2a25246f27139b10
I was making sents from binance.
Your Bonsai Contact address: 0x3d2bd0e15829aa5c362a4144fdf4a1112fa29b5c
@bonsai @stani Please Help me.
I just voted "Against" on "Distribution of RFP " #SnapshotVote