I Just snagged 600 points on @thedapplist! 🤯
@philand Item holders - you gotta get in on this! 🙌
I've just unlocked my potential with zkSync Score by Nomis! What is your web 3 reputation like? #OnchainReputation #Nomis
I just contributed to the 🕯️ KZG Ceremony 🕯️ using git|122520336|po26cc to help scale Ethereum
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Ukrainian national flag
Ukrainian national flag on the central square of Zhytomyr, Ukraine
The North Atlantic Fellas Organization (NAFO)
The internet meme and social media movement countering russian propaganda and disinformation about the 2022 russian invasion to Ukraine
Хто такі Fellas із NAFO? Мемні собаки-«другани» vs роспропаганда • Ukraїner (
Learned about basic fundamentals and features of @LensProtocol on the @orbapp.lens app, and got a dope NFT 🌿
#orb #orbapp #orbsbt