Llament the time you've been in human form? Don't fret, your future could be as easy as 1, 2, 3, Llama! We are bringing NFT-Fi utility to the Curve ecosystem
The Llamas community treasury has reached a major milestone at $2M of ETH and Curve ecosystem assets!
Follow the llama treasury here: debank.com/profile/0x73eb240a06f0e0747c698a219462059be6aaccc8
Our llama flywheel is just getting started, here's to a curvtastic future everyone!
#millama #CRV #DeFi
Llama launch imminent
Double check our Mirror article with everything mint related: mirror.xyz/0x48C26fADfeFbE063b1773aF4732565bcB55Adc64/xUC_fdEWbidzXXAinL9EPI4BltJn0VXO3cldlKlmbZY
#thellamas #CRV
The Llamas are proud to announce Llama Risk as one of our early supporters!
Shout out to the Llama Risk contributors and all they do to educate and protect DeFi users.
Check out all their recent reports here: cryptorisks.substack.com
#thellamas #CRV
Repeat after us, Llamas are friends, not food!
Do not eat your Llamas!
#thellamas #CRV
Ask the Genie for 3 wishes,
shout out to AladdinDAO
#thellamas #CTR #CLEV #ALD #CRV
The Llamas are finally on Lens! We are so stoked to be here. To the future of the Curve Ecosystem!