I just voted "Option 1 (Only Front)" on "What is the Linea SWAG that you would like to see at upcoming events? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0xda4f201a37ea08cf1892418e7b9e88f5687a68dbdc96c3ab22abaa1c7244648e #Snapshot
I just voted "More profiles filtering options" on "Poll by @amplicata.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0x344f48d6928ce2ac04b8d14c128c83eed74019b1cdb31eeecb018f9c988d446a #Snapshot
Hello to all my beloved followers
how is it going?
tonight I'm trying to try a few test nets on various chains like linea and Venom
tell me what are you going to do now ?!
a few weeks ago, everyone was telling you that the lens is next Instagram, But now?!
Lens is only trying to cut the bill on us !
why should we give fee for every single move here?!
I am not going to gift you these fees you **** dev's 🙂