$btc deviated 30may22 W cons structure in april23 twitch pushed it to retest feb23 H.
last week beraishly (🖕🐻) retested the struc so if bera, should go low soon else moon;
imo lvls 2 watch r summer21low & jul21 prepumplow, W close bc D could fake (etf gibs even bettar timeline)
ofc waitinll leave u offside so watch ur size here & b brave wen opp comes.
TA sez green W close at jul21ppl could be 🐻 retest of the struc but takes 2long2dump (13aug ETF deadline).
remindoors for d next bicycle:
don mid crv
neu is alawayza bettar
sel wen dey yel
wutever happens degen brothers, dont quit before reaching the goal and stay safe.
bera lets make a deal
i gib short liquidity at resistance
u gib punp via ur liq/HL support if low lev pssz