A clever word, a witty sentence, a novel figure of speech can create as much anticipation as a secret Christmas gift package.
Therefore, you have to observe others more, and actually find each other's advantages or specific places worthy of praise, will make people feel real.
The right compliment will win others favor, otherwise it will only make people think you are hypocritical.
People who like to praise others are far more popular than those who like to pour cold water on people.
Pour cold water on others, it is easy to extinguish others' enthusiasm and good feelings for you, but also let others into embarrassment.
Learning to praise others more, not to pour cold water on others, is the minimum requirement for emotional intelligence.
Everyone wants to be an emotionally intelligent person who can be welcomed wherever they go.
Words of praise may have a great impact on the person being praised, and will play a positive role in his future.
As long as you have a good eye for finding the good in others, there will be no shortage of opportunities to praise others.