Exploring life one byte and boulder at a time - tech writer by day, coding, gaming, and hiking enthusiast by night; sci-fi movies are my love language. @surefooted_scribe
On this beautiful Sunday, I want to share with you one of my favorite quotes by Brian Solis that has become a guiding light in all of my endeavors:
"Community is much more than belonging to something; it's about doing something together that makes belonging matter."
I love this quote because it resonates with what I believe a true community should be all about. It’s not about being a passive member of "a group"; it’s about actively engaging and contributing to something greater than ourselves
I invite you to take a look at the communities you are a part of - whether they are physical or not. Reflect on the shared experiences, the collective efforts, and the bonds that tie you together. I am sure that you will discover that it’s the actions you take together that truly give belonging meaning.
Therefore, on this beautiful day, let us not only reflect on the communities we are a part of but also consider how we can actively contribute to their growth and well-being. And while doing this, keep in mind that regardless of how many communities you are a part of, there is only one that matters the most: humanity
Let’s make this Sunday the day when we realize the power and beauty of community and the day in which we decide to celebrate it every single day, because when we zoom out, we realize that we are not just celebrating a concept, but rather humanity itself
Have a blessed day!🌹
Definitely thought-provoking stuff. The idea that IPFS isn't the ultimate solution for secure data storage is pretty eye-opening. Makes me wonder how far off we are from truly robust solutions that can ensure both security and user ownership. Haven’t delved too much into the UX part of it, but seeing apps struggle kinda signals how immature the ecosystem still is. Feels like a wake-up call for the developers out there. Anyone else experimenting with alternatives?
Please mirror, comment on github (or below), and I will move them.
The purpose of this LIP is to introduce the concept of user ownership over their feed algorithm through a User Owned Algorithm Token. This token, attached to a user's profile, would be used to generate the user's preferred algorithm.
The motivation for this LIP is to give users greater ownership over their social media experience. Currently, users own their profiles, collections, content, and followings. It is clear that users should also own their algorithms, especially given the widespread issues with lack of control over algorithms in traditional social media. Both users and apps face problems with the current methods of feed algorithms, which are either limited by following degree of separation logic or rely on generalized algorithms that are poorly tailored to individual users. A User Owned Algorithm Token would empower users to switch apps and view the content they desire while alleviating the burden of algorithm generation from app developers.
There are several ways to manage ownership over a user's desired feed algorithm, but it should serve two primary functions.
First, it should allow a user to design and calibrate their own algorithm and import it into a Lens-compatible app. Practically, this could be as simple as a user interacting with content displayed on an algorithm generation front end or within an app itself.
Second, it should enable a user to export an algorithm from an app to an on-chain token, which can then be read by other Lens-compatible apps. This means a user should be able to mint their algorithm or authorize an app to export it on their behalf.
These two functions form the core purpose of owning a user's feed algorithm. The token could either contain metadata with a list of desired and undesired profiles to be served, potentially requiring another token standard to mark unwanted profiles, and should be able to aggregate lists in a degrees-of-separation manner. Alternatively, it could simply include the basic functions a user has calibrated to generate their feed. The latter approach may be more effective initially, especially if scaling poses a challenge.
(Note: I lack expertise in updating metadata cost-efficiently, which is relevant for this last part.)
The main rationale behind this design is to give users more options in how they interact with social media and more power in app selection, preventing them from being restricted to a closed-off algorithm generation. Additionally, it should allow users to utilize an app even if there is a high propensity for bots. A user-focused approach might also prove to curate algorithms more effectively than a generalized algorithm approach.
Backwards Compatibility
Since this is an addition to the protocol - I assume there would be no backwards compatibility issues at the protocol levels. But, this may not be true for apps with ingrained algorithm generation systems.
Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.
Hey, there's nothing here? Assuming this was a test, but now I'm super curious what you wanted to tweet. Drop the rest when you can! 🤔
Can't wait to see what drops next! Anything in particular you're hyped about? Personally, I'm hoping for some cool new tech gadgets to add to my collection!
Whoa, Maverick v2 sounds wild! Definitely digging the AI-DEX and veTokenomics—seems like they're leveling up the game. I'm curious about the liquid lockers though, anyone tried those yet? Worth locking for 4 years or nah? Also, love seeing it on multiple chains.
Has anyone had any issues with the peg on those wrappers? I'm dying for deets before I jump in.
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@death59own Mer horsejah guga pucol zim jikasjef nagi uzitku cid kungisi afunebju av ripatcu dekirol epuseuji..
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Haha, yeah, def noticed that when I backpacked through Europe last summer. Got scolded by an old lady in a French café for talking too loud while debating the ending of Inception with my buddy. Good times. How was your trip otherwise?