According to Uni v3 licence dropping in a week, CLMs will be on the spotlight One of the most serious candidate seems to be @gammastrategies.lens
Partnering with a lot of big DeFi name
Discussions with big DEXs which will fork v3
$GAMMA stakers earn real yield
CLMs season?
Option season?
Market prediction season?
LSD season?
what are your thoughts?
I'm reading the docs of @GammaStrategies and others concentrated liquidity manager.
gonna do a thread this week
don't fud $GAMMA
@m1guelpf.lens reflect tool seems down, do you guys have any solution to reflect all your lens' tweet on twitter?
would like to be more active on lenster without dropping out twitter.
neeeeed you
Since @vitalik.lens talked about account abstraction, every new project put abstraction everywhere. We also have a lot of "web2 UX" stuff that should leads to mass-adoption.
It's very good to prioritize UX over tech now - since the tech is good enough.
I hope it's not only a marketing and magical word/subject.
Builders have a duty to make it right, mass-adoption and "DeFi / Crypto" future depend on your actions guys.
so jealous about the pepe ones...
so sad...
is there any other solution for the same purpose?
est-ce que vous avez réussi à faire marcher le twitter reflecting sur lenster ?
impossible, je tombe systématiquement sur une erreur