We're closing in on almost 3 years since the crazy part of the last bull cycle where everything went up only. If you think now is the time to go on a vacation, then idk what to tell you. You had 3 years to touch grass, find a girlfriend, find new hobbies, and enjoy life. Now it is time to lock in, follow the people who have performed well despite the downtrend lately, make some bets, and in general pay attention to new shiny coins + old gems.
We're closing in on almost 3 years since the crazy part of the last bull cycle where everything went up only. If you think now is the time to go on a vacation, then idk what to tell you. You had 3 years to touch grass, find a girlfriend, find new hobbies, and enjoy life. Now it is time to lock in, follow the people who have performed well despite the downtrend lately, make some bets, and in general pay attention to new shiny coins + old gems.
CZ really is gonna get released right as we enter Uptober and the bull market picks up Love to see it
Sg girl guide for degens (NFA since the last time you touched a woman was your mother giving you a hug after FTX crash)
sinkie Chinese girl:
Height: 150-168cm
Weight: stick insect
Rating: 4-6/10 depending on phenotype/background
Locations: dating apps, Uni campus
Strategy: say hi if ur white, cry if ur not and go 100x on BTC in anger
Sinkie Malay girl:
Height: 150-165cm
Weight: stick insect + curves and occasional ladybug shape if mother owns nasi padang store
Rating: 8-10/10 bc they don’t ask u about ur portfolio, only want to spend time w u
Locations: shoe shops, clothing shops
Strategy: Be slightly better than average Sg guy, play guitar
Sinkie Indian girl
Height: 150-170cm
Weight: depends if Tamil/hindi/punjabi/malayalam
Rating: 6-7/10 (Chinese parents will hate u for bringing her home)
Locations: shopping malls, Tekka Centre, Gooday Beautie Parlour
Vietnamese girl
Height: 150-167cm
Weight: thinner than Chinese. Famine stick insect
Rating: 7-9/10 - her family in VN village will love you forever for ur passport
Locations: service industry, KTV, massage parlor (Geylang, Bugis, Parklane Mall)
Ang Moh Kia a.k.a. Riding the White Horse
Height: 155-175cm
Weight: Curvy but they lose weight in Asia bc sweat so much so be wary of body odor
Rating: 5-8/10 - if international school kid, u prolly poorer than her family cb
Locations: tourist areas, artsy/psychology degrees in Uni, if looking for milf with husband in tradfi, go River Valley/CBD area. Better hitrate if u Malay personal trainer tho
Thai girl, teerak who calls herself Mumu but real name is changapornkabong
Height: 150-165cm
Weight: curve like Malay, thin like Thai, eyes like demon na ka 5555
Rating: 8-10/10 until u run out of money to send her on TrueMoney app
Location: siam diu, massage parlor, occasional KTV (more Vietnam girl there)
PRC girl who calls herself Apple or Cinnamon and wears LV/Gucci bag
Height: 150-165cm, taller if northern regions of mainland
Weight: used to be stick insect, now no more famine, more prosperity (Long live great leader +9000 social credit)
Location: tradfi/OKX/cex offices for richer families, want village girls? Massage parlor bro
Okay cancel me ig I’m still not sharing my food spots cb
Oh and GMLJ