Looks very cool. Looking forward to seeing more.
It’s the worst app. Once you get it to work most of the tokens they offer are illiquid on the side you bridge to. Then you just have to bridge back. Absolutely terrible ux.
I’m doing the same dude. Life is good. Been a few decades but I feel like I’m just getting the hang of it.
Wow. Surprised how high that is.
More token talk honestly. Crypto Twitter is really fun to follow. I want more trading, more ponzus, more pnls, more drama.
Ive worked as an order picked before. I’d think it would be really dangerous to not be able to hear what’s going on around you.
Listing to music and audiobooks while you work all day would be great though.
What are the most promising in your opinion?
Been using it a lot recently. Really enjoy.