I did it. You are watching the first 'Capt MojKevin' mixed ever.
It's indeed a historical moment!
For everyone into Mojitos, I recommend trying to get your favorite bartender mix it with the blanc capt Morgan rum.
It was effin' awesome!! ❤️
I think I might have invented something new here.
If you order this, tell'em it's a 'Capt mojKevin'
Thanks! 🙏❤️
Btw, the beer is there in case it sucked.
(it didn't)
Iam thinking I might try a mojito with the blank Capt Morgan liquor. I didn't know it existed until just now..
I know it would technically not be a mojito but when the liquor does the thinking those kinda ideas just pops into my tiny brainspace.
Anyone tried it? Is I creative if I try?
(there's blue leds behind, don't let them leds fool you)
Getting closer and closer to them ellyphants 😇
I met one 2 days ago but she was the wrong kind of elephant.
Didn't meet at the right place either.
It was a place for flyfisher men-dudes.
Great meet to though 😇❤️
Navigating a labyrinth like when in fear and loathing isn't always easy.
It's worth it, but not always easy.
Thank God my spirit animal was there to guide me.
Iam closing in on them elephants.
I hope they're ready for me.. 😊
Gonna take Berlin first, though 🤘😎
Still going for the elephant meetup but this pub-dog from yesterday has his eye on me.
I like him.
I now know his a he and his name is (lol)
Hugo Boss.
Iam a ck-dude myself but a dog named Hugo Boss?... I can relate.
Be kind to the animals, even the lions and crocodiles and the scary ones.
I once wrestled a Russian bear. None of us won.
It was a tie.
But that day we became eternal friends, and now I can call him anytime for assists if I need it. And vice versa.
Just wait until I wrestle that elephant.
We'll be friends forever.
Iam putting a picture of the Boss under here.
You don't have to, but I hope you enjoy.
Love ❤️
But then again, I travel from my hq close to the north-pole, to get closer to the elephants.
It's like I can hear them calling.
But now?
Iam at a pub in the middle of the north-pole and the elephants and there's a dog here.
A pub with a friendly dog.
A tiny friendly pub-dog.
I don't know his name or even if he's a he..
I didn't see that one coming.
But I like dogs to.
We have dogs at the north-pole ❤️
We're doing this for nothing until I meet up with the elephants 🤘😎🐘
Sometimes I go flying, to meet the elephants.
It's needed.
From the north-pole to the elephants.
Get ready elephants. Iam on the move.
We will meet soon ❤️🐘