Unprofessional web3 researcher, do not go gentle into that good night
Hi friends, I have felt super depressed for a month, and I just haven't find a proper way to cheer myself up. Can anyone give some advices or just some encouragements? This would mean a lot to me, and also I want to keep this emotional breakdown record on chain, as this is really what I'm feeling right now, I want to remember this, although it's painful.
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anyone can tell me the difference between relay and dispatcher? or withsig methods and dispatcher? i'm getting my head exploded, many thanks!
From a consumer angle, the info efficiency in web3 world is far from sufficient. If the underlying logic is all about do ur research, then as always, only "scientists" find their ways, then no matter how applications pitch themselves, the mass user door will never open. web3 may not be necessary, but it's definitely not that necessary if no real playalbe understandable and "treat user like idiots" product exist. I mean, to build the concept of decentralizations for normal people, at least something low barrier should be the bedrock for them to get exposed to why those shitty concepts are important. I very much expect such thing can happen on lens