I just voted "Approve" on "Stargate Foundation RFP Proposal" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x615d93ccb7ea0103c48907421bf7b3967fc5300c539b7fbb896d50cb5dfd90ad #SnapshotVote
I just donated to dApps & Apps on @gitcoin's @grantsstack. Join me in making a difference by donating today, and check out the projects I supported on my Donation Histo@gitcoin
I just donated to dApps & Apps on @gitcoin's @grantsstack. Join me in making a difference by donating today, and check out the projects I supported on my Donation Histo@gitcoin explorer.gitcoin.co/#/contributors/0x7adf45c29461B58b4fB365EE033b0E203EF30368
I just voted "Yes" on "Stargate Deployment On Kava" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xed5fe9d40c9e82a53c548d4458fdca91d6d26c12cc34303c205906b5e1854e29 #Snapshot
I just voted "Option 3 (Front and Back)" on "What is the Linea SWAG that you would like to see at upcoming events? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0xda4f201a37ea08cf1892418e7b9e88f5687a68dbdc96c3ab22abaa1c7244648e #Snapshot
I just voted "Option 2 (Front and Back)" on "What is the Linea SWAG that you would like to see at upcoming events? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0xda4f201a37ea08cf1892418e7b9e88f5687a68dbdc96c3ab22abaa1c7244648e #Snapshot
I just voted "Option 1 (Only Front)" on "What is the Linea SWAG that you would like to see at upcoming events? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0xda4f201a37ea08cf1892418e7b9e88f5687a68dbdc96c3ab22abaa1c7244648e #Snapshot