This is my trying moment, I need prayers and financial support.. Am counting on me 🙏💯
When your conscience is clear and your heart is pure, people’s negative words and misperceptions don’t even faze you. They lack the substance to hold onto, and they pass by like mere nothingness
Only smart people understand 🥰💯
Don't be too confidence in yourself, someone out there is better than you, your success story is only by the grace of God, stay humble and pray. It's a privilege..
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life
The true greatness of a person is determined by the scale of the good they have done. Build, inspire, and help.🙏❤️💯
Be mindful the way you talk in public, don't just open mouth, think before you talk, take action when it's required.
It only takes the grace of God to really know who you truly his, just stay positive, be happy, and pray
Don't belittle yourself, remember what you have achieved so far, someone is out there pray to be where you are now, be contented.