Using Lens to archive my journey of building SquareUp: a new type of sports gambling protocol
Users pay an entry fee and receive a combination of teams on an NFT. Top scoring NFTs win their share of the prize pool. Rinse and repeat. Every day.
Are there any Metamask Product ppl active on Lenster? The new gas editing UX update is terrible.. So many extra clicks to set custom gas settings
Went looking for the BLUR token address on etherscan, ended up clicking through my own wallet and discovered I had forgotten about over $1800 worth of stables! Just bought more ETH!
@stani.lens @zannis.lens is there a person i can direct feedback to? Been enjoying Lens so far, would love to help make it better!
Big week.. about to start having fundraising conversations for SquareUp. Will see what pops...
Really need a skilled videographer to help create whiteboard animation videos for SquareUp. Have script and voiceover done, but Upwork has proven to be disappointing so far. All recs are appreciated!
@stani.lens @zannis.lens I need more ppl to interact with here - any active ppl i should be following?
I do wish there were more places to post on here. It seems like the only place you can do it is via the home page? Am I missing something?
Just discovered DARK MODE on here, huge upgrade! Excited to keep poking around, will continue to share insights as i find them
I have dispatcher on - but was just prompted to sign something while trying to give @zannis.lens a follow. Am i missing something?