
Worried about what to eat every day

Joined May 2024
65 Posts
Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

Encounter such a person, presumably most people will be unhappy.

    Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

    In life, there are often people who do not contact you for a long time, but when they need help with something, they will first think of you.

      Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

      When you want to express your refusal, you can shift the reason to a third person and let someone else say "no" for you.

        Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

        In fact, there are many skills to refuse, you do not have to think of all kinds of roundabout refusal words.

          Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

          They racked their brains, but they couldn't do it.

            Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

            Many people often worry about how to say no to others, so as not to hurt each other's feelings.

              Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

              When dealing with people, "no" is a very difficult word to say, and rejection is also a very difficult thing to do.

                Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

                Find someone to say "no" for you.

                  Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

                  So, if you want to both win the other person's favor and help them correct their mistakes, learn to use hint.

                    Vigin@lx033·Aug 15

                    In social situations, using hints to remind others of their mistakes gives each other a way out and won't cause tension if you point out the other person's mistakes.