Technomancer, dog dad and all round ND creative scattergun...
I make images, music and videos. Stay a while and listen 馃枻
Follow Up - #HUGOpenStudios
As I didn't quite finish the 3rd track during the #HUGOpenStudios sessions that were put on by @thehugxyz
I need to refresh so I had a few days break and got back to it. And its done now !! Was pleased with how the art for this one came out as well.
All 10 tracks are live now on Soundcloud
Now I just have to finish the intro and outro 'songs' (narrative pieces really) and remaster the whole thing so its sonically sits together better (its a bit all over the place mixing wise atm as it was done over the course of year using various methods)
But broadly this is the final 10 tracks that will be released. Hopefully I can finish it before Xmas.
As always #beexcellenttoeachother
DAY 10 of - #HUGOpenStudios
What a productive 10 days, normally I get distracted by like anything and everything, I veer off onto new ideas without finishing what I was doing.
The #HUGOpenStudios calls have really helped keep me focused. I mean I still got a bit distracted. I was originally going to finish the last song on my upcoming album, but it turned into 3 songs... you know cause ADHD 馃榿 but for me that's progress, at least its the same project !!
So the final proper full track is still being finished (its proving tricky to get just right) but I have another (semi) instrumental track today. It's a sort of meandering progressive folk piece, so think Jethro Tull, Jefferson Airplane via Genesis and Eloy... yes its a mess of weird niche influences, a bit like me 馃槅
The art came together from a few different works I photo-bashed into a new image, I quite like the result of this one. I matches the track quite well.
Click the link above to listen to it on Soundcloud, but I'll be doing visualizers you can collect at some point. In the meantime just another thank you to all the wonderful folks at @thehugxyz for putting together the sessions and generally being awesome...
DAY 9 of - #HUGOpenStudios
In typical me style, I didn't quite get the track done I spoke about the other day. It is done, sort of, but needs a bit of tweaking, which I'll do tomorrow when we all get together for @thehugxyz open studio. In the meantime I did get another track finished instead... so there is that 馃榿 follow the link above to get a free listen !!
"Titanic Refrain" is a change of pace, its a folk rock free jam style track. This one is purely instrumental, the album is like 11 tracks of overly long folk rock. So a non vocal track as a punctuation in the middle of the album seemed good.
Watch out tomorrow, I may drop the final two tracks at the same time, but I'll probably get distracted by rats or rabbits or something and forget 馃槅
G'night all 馃枻
DAY 8 of - #HUGOpenStudios
Many thanks to the folks @thehugxyz for the #HUGOpenStudios session today, learned a lot and got some great marketing tips in the breakout room with Tina and Amy !!
I was hoping to post the next track but I haven't quite finished it yet, so I thought I'd share the track art I've been working on for it. Haven't quite decided on a final piece yet. The song is called "Titanic Refrain" and its meandering free folk instrumental piece.
I've sort of narrowed it down to these 4 just need to pick one to make into the final cover now 馃
#beexcellenttoeachother](\&src=link_click\&type=posts)) 馃枻
DAY 7 of - #HUGOpenStudios
Taking stock and re-centering
The way I work with AI means I often end up with lots of ideas I riff on then never take further. I rarely ever use anything I generate without editing or mashing it together with other pieces.
I'll have a vibe in mind especially for something like the album I'm currently finishing, It's retro 70s psychedelia so it covers such a broad range visually, but I work quite loosely. One of the things I love about genAI is the back and forth of teasing ideas out of the technology, and finding ways to break it. Ultimately they are designed to make coherent realistic images, and I like to make the opposite 馃榿
I have my own custom workflows I use to make abstract and surreal pieces (cause genAI isn't great at surrealism without help)
These 4 images were mood pieces I made for the most recent track, ultimately I didn't use them but some may get used in visualizer videos or other tracks from the same project. They'd all need some fixing up and editing to be used for anything, but they do give a good sense of the types of images I made for this album.
Now back to the grindstone, busy making the next song...
#beexcellenttoeachother](\&src=link_click\&type=posts)) 馃枻
DAY 6 of - #HUGOpenStudios
Sunday music time 鈽笍馃彸锔忦煂堭煆筹笍鈿э笍
So we made it, here we are up to date and ready for the brand new track (just gone live on Soundcloud). If you have the time to give the track a listen click on the link above, its long (as they all are on this album) but its a bit more chill this one.
Titled 'Pan's Children' it explores acceptance of difference and diversity, via the myth of Pan, the god of the wild, and his musical battle with Apollo. Ultimately Pan wins the day. For all Apollos perfection, the wild true nature of Pan just could not be held down.
Track art for this took some time to get right, I wanted something that conveyed the theme but without looking to much like fantasy art. I mean I love fantasy art but it wasn't what I wanted for this.
Up next I may post some of the offcut art work I produced trying to get the cover I wanted. And then onto the next new track...
Peace out and be excellent to each other and yourself 鈽笍馃彸锔忦煂堭煆筹笍鈿э笍
#beexcellenttoeachother 馃枻
DAY 5 of - #HUGOpenStudios
Track 6 is the actual final song of the album, but cause I do everything backwards I released it before the other tracks were finished 馃く
"Ending The Cycle" is an anti war song in the vein of 70s protest music. It uses the tale of Cygnus the cruel son of Ares to explore ideas of generational trauma and repeated rage.
I want the cover art for this one to be a bit more dense and complex, but keep the 70s surreal vibe.
Up next the new track that I just finished mastering today !
Peace out 鈽笍
#beexcellenttoeachother](\&src=link_click\&type=posts)) 馃枻
DAY 5 of - #HUGOpenStudios
OK friends we are almost up to date, this was track 5 and the most recent of the released songs
Titled 'Labyrinth of Redemption' it uses the well known myth of Theseus battling the Minotaur. It reframes the minotaur as ignorance and hatred, something which seems more and more prevalent in society. If only battling it was as easy as killing Minotaurs...
The art for this, I wanted something pretty surreal that hints at the themes without going to far into cliche.
Up next track 6 then onto the brand new track later today !
(3rd time trying to post this cause my brain is not co-operating with me today 馃榿)
#beexcellenttoeachother](\&src=link_click\&type=posts)) 馃枻
DAY 4 of - #HUGOpenStudios
Track 4 today, a song called "On The Wild Hunt", this one follows the Myth of the Calydonian boar hunt, where Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt and protector of women and girls, pits men against men using their rage and ego to teach them the error of their ways. She sends the female huntress Atalanta as her champion who ultimately triumphs.
TLDR: Don't mess with Artemis she did not pull punches 馃榿
I wanted this to be a song of empowerment for women, but also cautionary for men to remind us that toxic male pride has always been a bad thing even as far back as Ancient Greece.
Art wise, I wanted a pure bit of 70s psychedelic art with a surreal twist. Just two old tracks to detail then I'll post the newest one tomorrow (probably if my useless brain remembers)
DAY 3 (or is it 4 now馃馃槃) - #HUGOpenStudios
So track 3 of the album 'Into Persephone's Garden' is a song called 'Liberate the Flame' which uses the myth of Prometheus stealing the fire of creation and gifting it to humans. In a world where soon good people may need to stand together against tyranny its an ageless tale of defying the gods themselves, embracing rebellion and the human ability to use creativity for positivity.
Audio quality on this track is a bit out of whack (I need to remaster it when I first did this I was still using old methods I have learned more since) but the track itself won't change.
Art wise, I wanted to go for something with a more cartoon / hand drawn appearance. As you'll see across the different songs they all channel a slightly different vibe visually but hopefully all still feel rooted in the 70s or thereabouts...