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I just voted "Yes" on "Make Velodrome the STG Hub on Optimism" #snapshotlabs
BNC Community Great Voyage Activity: The Thousand Talents Program is officially launched
The Blockchain Nuggets Community (BNC for short) community is a learning and entrepreneurial community with blockchain education as the entrance. The community was first established in 2022. The founders of the community were jointly established by early players of Defi/Gamefi/Nft and other tracks. The DAO organization community was initiated and established. The community helped nearly 1000+DAO members get the early dividends of the industry through a large number of classic courses + practical training + information competitions and predictions on cutting-edge tracks.
Blockchain Nuggets Community(简称BNC)社区是一个以区块链教育为入口的学习型加创业型社区,社区最早成立于2022年,社区创始人是由Defi/Gamefi/Nft等赛道的早期玩家共同联合发起成立的DAO组织社区,社区通过大量的经典课程+实战训练+前沿赛道的信息赛选和预判帮助近1000+DAO成员拿到了行业早期的红利。