Still here. I'm a little inactive on both Mastodon and Hey nowadays but keeping my accounts alive anyway.
I like this secure phone concept. "Optional: Removed microphones, sensors and cameras make eavesdropping on the environment physically impossible. Phone calls are made with optional headset."
Seems that Lenster integration with Brave Wallet broke a while back. Haven't been around here for a while. Had to switch to MetaMask now.
Movie studios would like to pay actors for one day of work to scan them and then use the scanned model for free to eternity. I guess this is the first actual case of AI replacing someone's work completely.
Spent a few hours debugging why a new PC worked in another room but not in another. Turns out it was a faulty HDMI cable..
I've been a fan and a user of Intel NUCs for a long time, and now they're dying.
Bruce Schneier's AI Dividend proposal to pay every US citizen a small dividend from AI profits:
Slightly empty feeling when you've finished all your outstanding project tasks, read all your email, read all of Hacker News, and should now start to vacation without doing anything.
TIL: Norwegians like to cook actual witches on midsummer bonfires, although open fires might be forbidden during the upcoming weekend.