Hello World!
Welcome to pingpad!
This is a beta, we would love to hear what you think!
I upload new videos to lenstube! testnet.lenstube.xyz/watch/0x3a3c-0x02
collecting time
I have to pay gas now?
Gm @layer3
Oh, I have to pay gas now?
I just voted "Yes" on "Create a Secure UniswapV3 Oracle for STG with Arrakis PALM" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x9b511ccf8bd097176255da63725877de9f80caeea8a28256ff50dfad10a3820d #snapshotlabs
I just woke up and SUI decided to go public sale
Congrats eth team for successful Shanghai upgrade!
Wish I can skip days, this waiting game is killing me
ohhh I have to sign it first