Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte...
“Why did the crowd, which pretended to admire him so much, have so little patience with him?”
@lenster.lens (Not sure if this was requested before but ) it would be nice if, when clicking on a comment appearing on my timeline, the parent comment (or chain of parent comments) was visible as well as opposed to the respective comment only.
When I was 12 I accompanied my photographer grandfather on one of his winter hikes. We stopped at some small stream and took long exposure pictures together. He set the camera settings, I pressed the trigger.
Was Boromir really corrupted by the ring, or was he merely trying to do as his father had told him to do, get a hold of the ring and take it back to Gondor?
I was just opening a fortune cookie but the paper fell into my milk. On the back of the fortune it coincidentally teaches you how to say "milk" in Chinese. An amusing coincidence.