Life is not a mapping be carefully with your labels
[Juan Colchete] #phrases #motivational #thinking
With bitnoob on bitsampa NFP#22
#nfp #eth #nft #brasil #brazil #br #sp #crypto #web3 #builders #build #buildr #blockhain #bitsampa #bitsampa #sp #saopaulo #br
A photo with web3 frens NFP#21.
#nfp #eth #nft #brasil #brazil #br #sp #crypto #web3 #builders #build #buildr #blockhain #nftbrasil #nftbrazil
With Bob Burnquist one of the greatest names of global skating board, glad to see how web3 is everywhere. NFT#20
#nfp #eth #nft #brasil #brazil #br #sp #crypto #web3 #builders #build #buildr #skate #reserva #megarampa
First time playing Boom Boogers on VR.
#nfp #eth #nft #brasil #brazil #br #sp #crypto #web3 #builders #build #buildr #boomboogers
#vr #nftgame #playandearn #trexx #trexxgg
Focus is just a details when you are with good people NFP#18.
#nfp #eth #nft #brasil #brazil #br #sp #crypto #web3 #builders #build #buildr
We are back with a loot of non fungible connections, happy to be on NFT Brasil NFP#17.
#nfp #eth #nft #brasil #brazil #br #sp #crypto #web3 #builders #build #buildr
Our strong BR community NFP#16.
#nfp #eth #rio #crypto #cst #cursedstone #br #brasil #brazil
Minting happiness on #ethrion party NFP#15.
#nfp #eth #rio #crypto #cst #cursedstone