Chatting it up with you guys is my Jam.
Looking to bring more variation to my workouts. What's your guys' favorite ab workout?
Went from having to pay for replies and mirrors to not being allowed to do them all. Help! I've been Lens jailed.
If I haven't been as active the last couple of days responding to you're posts, it's cause your post isn't worth me paying 10 cents (what lens started charging me) to respond to. JK. it totally is. I've just been busy 😃
Welp! I think I've officially been flagged as a bot. Lens is charging me for every post and mirror. What should I do to be recognized as one of you human kinds 😆
Wasn't able to use Lens yesterday. Had to hop back on cause my hands were starting to shake
Kinda quiet here on Easter. Glad to know most of you actually have a life 😁
Problem with going to parents' place for dinner: Great food but my moms watches to make sure that I eat every dish on the table 😄. Can't handle all the good stuff.
Food for though. A broken clock doesnt have to be right twice a day. It can move at slower pace than a regular clock and be right zero times.
Follow me for more thought provoking ideas 🤣