When you change the way you look at things,the things you look at change.
I just voted "Yes" on "Make Velodrome the STG Hub on Optimism" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xf980d6deed62c3d77dd055963724b9d07ea0f383a2142703e5581c8e751b06ad #snapshotlabs
The day is quickly approaching where it will be possible to file insurance claims to an AI that's running on a decentralized network.
This AI will
Where blockchain meets AI, you're going to see a huge disruption of industries that thrive off of fucking over the consumer.
The principal agent problem doesn't HAVE to be a problem. It's rooted in a trust problem, and decentralized infrastructure fundamentally solves problems like this.
I just voted "Yes" on "Create a Secure UniswapV3 Oracle for STG with Arrakis PALM" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x9b511ccf8bd097176255da63725877de9f80caeea8a28256ff50dfad10a3820d #snapshotlabs
I just voted "Against" on "AIP 1.05: Return 700M $ARB to the DAO Treasury " snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0xe8bc33b7849bd1d7984a8d638444e2dd97b0dfa3f5f2c9dff28fcfe0247bdab3 #snapshotlabs
I've just finished a demo of my first pop song 🕺 and I'm looking for help mixing + possibly some final touches producing it. slide into my DMs if that's you or someone you know...
I'm a classically trained cellist but this is my first real experience recording and producing modern music. I'm learning a lot, but ultimately would love to have a few peeps I can work with to help bring my ideas to life 🖤
I just voted "Yes ser 🙌" on "Do you like the Snapshot integration with Lenster?" snapshot.org/#/yoginth.eth/proposal/0x9287c40edcd68c362c7c4139fe3489bbaaa27cf4de68be5c218a82d0f252e718 #snapshotlabs
First bbq of the year 😍☀️
Feeling blessed and inspired! Excited to go home and make some art later. So glad spring finally arrived. What’s your favorite season?
AIP-1.2 - Foundation and DAO Governance snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0x373dfa89fc9c5ccba8ed83fa3fa4f233edd270075b5f8f4f3902b408318d9d17 #snapshotlabs