

Joined Oct 2022
49 Posts
Sscott.lens@iamscott·Aug 30

The Greeks are the most friendliest people I’ve come across next to the Irish

    Sscott.lens@iamscott·Aug 21

    Projects sharing revenue is the new trend

      Sscott.lens@iamscott·Jul 31

      Some friends unfollowed us before because of pedo fatman and grizzly the scammer or just because we shilled RLB (it did 50x bruv) It's good to see now we were on the right side all the time

        Sscott.lens@iamscott·Jun 29

        6 really good reasons to be bullish on #Polygon:

        Unlimited scalability 3rd most popular gaming chain Current price $0.65 Huge growth in the gaming sector So many projects waiting to launch on $MATIC Surpassed $BNB chain in Unique Active Wallets in Q1 2021

          Sscott.lens@iamscott·May 15

          The only way I see MemeFi Summer happening is if FTX returns funds nearly in full and this new capital causes people go full degen There’s just no reason to think that memes are going to into UpOnly mode without some kind of injection of “fresh” capital

            Sscott.lens@iamscott·Apr 25

            Normies think that crypto is a dead fad. But we are normies in other areas which will surprise us with a paradigm shift one day. Everything is happenening in parallel and the pace of progress is ever increasing. Until it reaches a techno-orgasm aka singularity.

              Sscott.lens@iamscott·Mar 27

              The world to big to move

                Sscott.lens@iamscott·Feb 25

                Hello world

                  Sscott.lens@iamscott·Feb 25


                    Sscott.lens@iamscott·Jan 09
