I love working in Web3 because I started my morning in Europe, lunch in the US and late-night calls with Asia. Truly global and inspiring
I'm getting ready to throw an epic party at #NFTNYC - who's headed to NY? Drop your LENS handle below
With @connectthecoast.lens & @christina.lens talking web3 social and games at GDC
#lensrequest Is there a way to mirror+reply? Kind of like a quote tweet (but better).
the thing I've been working on for 9 months is sooooo close to being ready.....
Loving this preso from @ensocollective.lens on how they built their alpha on Lens in one month.
I'm about to have my Lens followers overtake my twitter followers. I've been on Twitter for nearly 10 years. Only a few months on Lens. This community is growing so quickly.