You struggle to get the life you want when you look down on the simple, basic things: a healthier diet, apter exercise, sounder sleep, more challenging books, deeper conversations, treating your family and friends with more respect and care, frequent time alone to clear your mind.
The reassurance of Hope.
Tell your friends, and family to come onboard.
Cryptocurrency Trading will help you achieve alot this year.
So many life problems just sort themselves out once you figure out how to consistently be a high-energy person.
You will outperform most traders by staying CALM and being calculative instead of writing plenty English everywhere on social media.
Hang in there.
Many people waste years because they refuse to take a few hours for themselves to deeply self-reflect on what they actually want from life.
It’s natural that you feel lost if you spend all your time listening to society, and forget about your own ability to think independently.
A healthy lifestyle is simple: enough deep work to keep your mind calm, enough time with your family and friends to not forget where you come from, enough time reading to stay humble about how much you don't know, and enough exercise to enjoy the journey in the best conditions.
Don’t focus on the goal, focus on becoming someone who can see the path to the goal and calmly think through it.
People always pass away suddenly.
Stop assuming that you will be able to catch up with people you love at your convenience.
One day, you will realize your work wasn't as important as you thought, and you will wish you could go back in time just to have one last conversation.
Friends who really care will occasionally say things you don’t want to hear, that’s why they are good friends.
It's not anxiety, it's your unrealized potential manifesting itself, you will feel better once you get closer to the best version of yourself.