
Web3 Builder , Lens Fam , 4 Year Experience In Trading Crypto
Building @MetaNebulas

Joined Feb 2023
67 Posts
Fio@galdalf·Jun 21

ai is good a way

    Fio@galdalf·Jun 15

    you eat cat you will be cat

      Fio@galdalf·Jun 14

      Please explain how to do seed locking. I haven't figured that out yet.

        Fio@galdalf·Jun 09

        Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword

          Fio@galdalf·Jun 03

          gm to all

            Fio@galdalf·May 27

            great dayhhhh

              Fio@galdalf·May 12

              Join the movement - Enlist for free!

              A new faction enlistment begins at 2000 UTC today, Friday, May 12, 2023. Spread the word and recruit faction members!

              Mint your FREE faction NFT starting soon!

                Fio@galdalf·May 10

                If by founders you are referring to just the Founding Fathers, and not the settlers in general, yes many were wealth, and the majority owned slaves, and all were white. Suffrage was limited by the states, but the goal was good government, not Democracy. The two are inconsistent.

                  Fio@galdalf·May 10

                  America was founded by rugged individuals who created government to secure their rights and leave them alone. Americans today want government to violate other people's rights, steal their stuff, and give it to them. The home of the free has become the land of the freeloader.