Underdog is a good place to be
less external pressure to succeed
more internal pressure to succeed
Crypto received in Europe. UK leading the adoption, significant countries Germany, Spain and France
Hey anon, hey!
Hey @lensprotocol family! We are excited to announce our brand new home, hey.xyz!
Why the change?
Because we wanted to re-introduce ourselves as the one-stop shop for all things Lens. we will be continuing to showcase the latest features from the protocol while listening to our community for what they want to see next.
We will be exploring communities, open actions, and whole new ways you, your NFTs, and the DAOs you’re a part of can benefit from web3 social powered by Lens. This is just the beginning, so thanks for stopping by, and saying hey!
Collect this first ever post by Hey (24 hours!)
Summary and thoughts on cultivation friend tech in the past half a month (1):
Half a month ago, I came to BASE with 0.06ETH with a passion for blood, ready to join this belated craze - Friend Tech, after half a month of struggle, now KEY is worth a total of 0.7ETH, the most times in the value displayed on DeBank is up to more than 1 ETH, please listen to the next breakdown for specific thoughts and summary.
Summary and thoughts on cultivation friend tech in the past half a month (1):
Half a month ago, I came to BASE with 0.06ETH with a passion for blood, ready to join this belated craze - Friend Tech, after half a month of struggle, now KEY is worth a total of 0.7ETH, the most times in the value displayed on DeBank is up to more than 1 ETH, please listen to the next breakdown for specific thoughts and summary.
yes. or make it adjustable by the user