Summary and thoughts on cultivation friend tech in the past half a month (1):
Half a month ago, I came to BASE with 0.06ETH with a passion for blood, ready to join this belated craze - Friend Tech, after half a month of struggle, now KEY is worth a total of 0.7ETH, the most times in the value displayed on DeBank is up to more than 1 ETH, please listen to the next breakdown for specific thoughts and summary.
I just voted "yes" on "Lower TheAptosBridge Block Confirmations and Add Fees" #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes" on "Stargate Deployment on IDEX/XCHAIN" #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes" on "Transfer Ownership of TheAptosBridge to Stargate" #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes" on "Renewed Liquidity Incentivization Mandate" #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes" on "Stargate Deployment On Kava" #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes" on "Ammendment to SIP#20 - Continued Balance and Rebalancing" #Snapshot