If you want it, you can find me, this must be the right choice
Telegram founder Pavel Durov posted on his personal channel to reveal the details of his arrest in France. He claimed that he was still in the Paris police station on August 27, 2024 and stayed there for three days without equipment or Internet access. It felt like an extreme digital detoxification, and he was also routinely questioned by the police for hours.
Pavel Durov also said that he remained calm during police detention, but the development of the situation caught him off guard because his lover Julia was pregnant. Fortunately, he was released the next night. He said that some bloggers spread rumors that Julia was a "Mossad agent", and others put forward the absurd idea that it was her posting on social media (rather than her charter information) that prompted the police to meet me at the airport.
There is still a long way to go to solve the problem of privacy autonomy
CME Fed Watch: The probability of the Fed cutting interest rates by 50 basis points in September is temporarily reported to be 32.5%
On August 22, according to CME (Fed Watch) data, as of press time, the probability of the Fed cutting interest rates by 25 basis points in September is 67.5%, and the probability of cutting interest rates by 50 basis points is 32.5%.
American CFTC commissioner Caroline Pham said that CFTC has recently proposed to KUCOIN allegations that may interfere with its cooperation agencies. The CFTC and the US Department of Justice accused KUCOIN on March 26, 2024 to operate an encrypted asset derivative platform without appropriate authorization. Caroline Pham said that CFTC's approach may violate the power of the SEC and destroy the strong investor protection law for decades, because it confuses a financial instrument with a financial activity and destroys the foundation of the securities market.
It can be seen that supervision has always been a vague attitude