It was like there was a pile of kindling that was in the back of my imagination just waiting there. Once I lit it, it just flared up and I kept getting ideas and ideas.
What I know is, is that if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come.
It's amazing what you can get on open source now if you actually use the right search engines to find the material.
In this business, if you take too long, the landscape changes. So the opportunities that were there when I decided to take a break weren't there when I came back. It's like, 'Wait a second - what happened here?' It was a real learning experience. I've paid my dues, I will tell you that.
Dating in Los Angeles can be hard, which makes it all the better when you meet a really nice guy.
Hollywood is so fake and people need to realize that people are just people, and you, too, don't need to be born into something or have money or have whatever product someone is hawking on you.
Dangling punch lines to forgotten stories remain in the language like the smile of the Cheshire cat.
Because friends have to be brutally honest with each other. I'd feel terrible if I didn't tell you what I was thinking, especially at a time like this
Fear may very well be a caveman fear of the predator, of the giant lizard chasing them - maybe that's what Steven Spielberg connects with so well in Lost World.
In the 1960s we were fighting to be recognized as equals in the marketplace, in marriage, in education and on the playing field. It was a very exciting, rebellious time.
A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.