...all phenomena are uncaused
....for example the day may start just like any other day
the temperatures are the same
all your life circumstances are the same
you've eaten the same foods
done the same exercise
...and yet that day you just feel like shit and the day before you felt great
if you were the thinker
you would have only 'nice' thoughts
if you were the chooser of your emotions
you would have only what you consider to be nice emotions
...... you might say well I feel like shit because so-and-so said this thing .....that happened
and ....this was caused by this other thing....
but if it's really examined you can see that life just really happens as it does
and all the infinite permutations of explanations happens after
.....trying to make sense of what really makes no sense at all
and yet the descriptions also happen utterly spontaneously and are part of the whole shaboogie
how wondrous!
no right or wrong
no before or after
no better or worse
....life simply happens utterly spontaneously and looks and feels like anything at all
cool huh?
you don't make life happen it just happens
as it does
of itself so
---Nancy Neithercut
Really enjoyed watching "Vitalik: An Ethereum story" documentary with a bunch of other Buterins here in Toronto.
Big kudos to the creators for capturing Vitaliks personality and sincerety - as well as the spirit of the Ethereum vibrant international community.
Lots of ground covered: