I just voted "Yes" on "Stargate Deployment On Meter (Pathway Change)" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x39f95f69921626e2100df0d85e0ea77eb554796d79f6978e828f93a860242b99 #Snapshot
When will all this end and we all be counting dollars ?
Powell any help ser ? LOL 😆
Living the dream is not as great as dreaming to live the dream. Personal thoughts ! 😃
I just voted "More profiles filtering options" on "Poll by @amplicata.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0x344f48d6928ce2ac04b8d14c128c83eed74019b1cdb31eeecb018f9c988d446a #Snapshot
exciting day tomorrow, bank runs , fomc ,sui listing, new opportunities.
Tomorrow we see greatest pump for markets after US congress kicks GARY for being anti financial freedom fighter. LOL
Can I add my friends from Tinder here ? It will be great fun to have decentralised flirt games. Wish I had some coding skills. 😥
I'm saying my piece in the #futureofsocial by signing the @t2world.lens manifesto. Which values do you support?