The essence of life can be captured around a theatrical play, some come to play roles, others to sell things and make a profit, and others to enjoy the play. I can say that I enjoy the plays:D
Not that I want to flatter phaver, but what happend to Ye(aka Kanye west), even though he exagerated in some parts, is why we need decentralized social apps/platforms. The freedom of speach MUST prevail in all situations, not cancel culture, not banning voices without listening to bouth sides of the story. Going to finish with this "the real enemy is the one that you can't say a word about". If this was a tweet maybe I would be in trouble, lucky me😁.
Kanye 'Ye' West | Lex Fridman Podcast #332](
Ye is a legendary artist, producer, and designer. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:- Shopify: to get 14-day f...
Morivation is cyclic. You can have sprint of motivation for weeks, months, years, and than stagnate for who knows how long. After a while you motivation starts to raise. So it's safe say that motivation some times goes in a bear market.
The beauty you see autside is also inside. You are the universe in a drop. You are a manifestation of the universe.
Neil deGrasse Tyson - The Most Astounding Fact](
"The most astounding fact is the knowledge that the atoms that comprise life on Earth the atoms that make up the human body are traceable to the crucibles th...