I just voted "Option 1 (Only Front)" on "What is the Linea SWAG that you would like to see at upcoming events? " snapshot.org/#/linea-build.eth/proposal/0xda4f201a37ea08cf1892418e7b9e88f5687a68dbdc96c3ab22abaa1c7244648e #Snapshot
I just voted "No ❎" on "Poll by @yoginth.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0x04e4c4bceee9ed9e54b6012d566d139e7c334829ddf27307fd11fd29882f7950 #snapshotlabs
I just voted "Yes ser 🙌" on "Do you like the Snapshot integration with Lenster?" snapshot.org/#/yoginth.eth/proposal/0x9287c40edcd68c362c7c4139fe3489bbaaa27cf4de68be5c218a82d0f252e718 #snapshotlabs
I just deposited $2.00 into my @pooltogether.lens prize savings account! Join me and thousands of others saving $23,541,834.83 and winning 153 prizes daily. #PoolTogether
I'm saying my piece in the #futureofsocial by signing the @t2world.lens manifesto. Which values do you support?
If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher