shello amazing creatures,
sea and sun are dancing together in this collaboration with the lens Apollo @andresbriceno
I am so grateful to create value with artists I deeply admire
"solar eclipse"
You call this the Titanic in trading.
A sinking ship.
No way out.
No life boats.
Tick Tock.
Mainnet Launch Info
Today has been an inspiring lesson.
Your excitement warrants the highest quality our database can provide, and we are strengthening it to guarantee the best experience for you next week.
The snapshot for Stars is extended until further notice.
Packs are safu
(1)市场怕周五非农数据发布,带来恐惧 (2)抄底欲望不强,价格缺乏吸引力,交易所内的流入的稳定币不多 (3)美国政府要出手BTC的价格带来恐慌 加上亚洲人起床的恐惧,有至少20%的人要割肉,带来砸盘 所以还需要一个超大成交量的下跌 恐慌之中,也有利好 昨晚美联储两个官员说今年有3次降息, 神助攻让黄金彻夜狂欢攻破2280创新高, 但BTC还是颓废 说明现在的下跌是非理性恐惧 市场如果到了非理性恐惧阶段,应该快到底部了 到周五时,如果已经跌很多,非农和失业数据释放利空,也跌不到哪里去 如果周五非农和失业数据释放利好,就会有大反转 当前我们要做的就是等恐慌情绪释放,保持耐心 抄底需要分批进行,不要着急,多等等,谨防还有一跌 要有子弹防止BTC跌到$ 63000 #鱼人...