"A bidirectional transformation is a specification of when the joint state of two systems should
be regarded as consistent, together with a protocol for updating each system to restore consistency
in response to a change in the other."
"{...} As the reference to Kongzi suggests, this tendency toward inclusivity threatened the humanistic ethics of the Confucians. Their main response addressed a gap in the cosmogonies exemplified by the Laozi. These explained the dynamism inherent in particular things and the broader patterns of nature, but they did not address the differences between kinds of things—what makes human beings differ consistently from dogs? The concept that arose to fill this gap and to justify Confucian humanism is xing 性. Xing is most often translated as the “nature” of a thing or kind of thing, but it refers specifically to the way a thing responds spontaneously to its environment. In human beings, xing manifests itself primarily as desires and emotions, broadly labeled as qing 情 (genuine affects). One of the key questions debated by the Confucians was the degree to which ethical concerns like care, respect, and shame were embedded in these natural spontaneous affects."
Physics, chemistry and biology study the organization of matter at various scales, from subatomic to cosmic. The behavior of each scale is determined by the laws that govern behavior of the underlying scale, but the nature of relations between scales is full of surprises. For example let’s consider a simple idea: matter consists of tiny, constantly moving particles, which attract each other at close distances, but repel when they are too close. Lennard-Jones potential is one of possible mathematical formalizations of the above idea. In spite of the apparent simplicity of microscopic dynamics, at large scales these rules give rise to a plethora of complex phenomena, such as aggregate states of matter, thermodynamics, acoustics, hydrodynamics and turbulence. In scientific and engineering practice we can often abstract microscopic details behind macroscopic models, such as diffusion or Navier-Stokes equations, that operate at the scale of interest. But in some domains, like material science or biochemistry, we have to focus on the relationship between many orders of magnitude in scale. How do changes in molecular structure reflect in macroscopic material properties? How do genomic sequences translate into morphological appearance? In the field of biology these ties between scales are especially important and obscure at the same time. That’s why development of practical methods of capturing and analyzing such relations are of a great need. In silico multi-agent models provide a computational playground for creation and improvement of such methods. We may use such models for efficient design of local microscopic rules that lead to a desired global behavior. Thus, creation of simulated Artificial Life serves as a stepping stone in deep understanding of life in the real world.
CatDAO 🐈⬛
Our mission is to:
Help cats achieve their full potential
Help humans achieve their full potential
Help humans achieve their full potential by helping cats achieve their full potential
In Portlandia! If you are in town for @BSidesPDX bsidespdx.org/events/2022/schedule -- let's hang out! ☕️🏴☠️
Looking forward to ~16:20 talk "Engaging bike theft victims in the OSINT process" 🚲🥷🔍