Ode to Gary G
Gary, you're a real tough act to follow
With your regulation and oversight, you're quite the pill to swallow
Your passion for finance is truly infectious
And your knowledge of securities is truly impressive
I mean, who needs caffeine when you've got Gary around
Your monotone voice could put an insomniac to sleep without a sound
But don't let that fool you, he's a real mover and shaker
He'll regulate your stocks and bonds until your head starts to ache-er
Gary, you're the man who keeps the wolves at bay
And makes sure the rich don't take too much of our pay
But let's be honest, you're a bit of a buzzkill
Who knew securities law could be such a thrill?
But seriously, we're glad to have you on the job
And we'll sleep a little better knowing you're keeping the mob
So let's raise a glass to Gary, our financial hero
And hope he'll let us keep a little cash for our own dinero!
#Gensler #SEC #poem
confusion/"CHAOS MAGIC"
i wonder
how to assess the quality of "content"? impressions/how many others already consumed the "thing"? delivery format? file conversion quality? its quite subjective n personal, also depending on us actually consuming it first (investing Time & Energy), isnt it?
so why then do ppl judge b4 consumption of a 1 hour long podcast that was posted 5 minutes ago on YT? "for the algo!" ? well, where does this pbbly lead to? one can also notice the saluting emoji often used here (to me astonishing behavior in war times)
content/digital files need to be stored n use electricity too...how to make sure we dont create just another form of SPAM? (like many ORDINALS on Bitcoin being copy pasta pfp NFT collections for example)
according to my experience
"paid content" usually is a front for a ponzi circle jerk scheme (more Time & Energy is spent on creating marketing funnels/"awareness" or how to drain the attention of humans (obsession, manipulative/disharmonious, going w flow of attention/growing the cult), rather than on quality of output (passion, inspirational/harmonious, going w flow of creativity/growing the culture)).
"ATTENTION ECONOMY" + LLMs? its not looking good for quality, Bruv.
lets look
at THE NETWORK STATE from uncle Balaji:
w ongoing updates, its basically a new primitive for books, isnt it? personally, i might pay a onetime lifetime sub for the authors/experts lifes work, but pbbly not for posts full of shills of circle jerks on Mirror.
at artists needing Time & Energy for creating:
why develop models that involve them spending most of it feeding algorithms/upkeeping internet traffic?
pls dont call art or expertise "content", while marketing products or services like "It's bigger than XYZ!" or "XYZ is not just a product or service!". pls learn to recognize when culture is becoming cult. dont be evil while bashing the "dont be evil guys".
if the content is exciting to u (dopamine response?), it pbbly also is indoctrinating ur mind - lets try to keep in mind that for some ppl, "content" stands for product placement ideology, n what idolizing others does to oneself.
tune in for other EPISTLES ON SATURDAYS WITH BAZ spam...everyone who read until here is exceptionally equipped (no need to collect this, even if u did "collect" the commemorative BASE NFT from Coinbase)
hahaaa! clever!
thinking of Einstein here: youtube.com/shorts/2Vf8kIJrDtw?feature=share
thx chief
even a skeptic troll knows one can never be as smart as the crowd..."interactive Q&A" pbbly can replace any politician (10x smarter, 100x faster, 1000x cheaper), even provide new live insights for the ones questioned when keeping an open mind
#anonymity, #dID: as long as there is substance, who is asking the question does not matter to an expert that wants to get ahead in his/her field
also function for upvoting questions seems quite the dev standard today
maybe its smart to mix long form pod w short n concise form of QA
maybe its not