Ferns have existed on Earth for 360 million years. They are considered one of the oldest plants on the planet and can grow in a wide variety of environments, from humid rainforests to arid deserts 
由翻译自 英语
蕨类植物在地球上已经存在了 3.6 亿年。它们被认为是地球上最古老的植物之一,可以在从潮湿的雨林到干旱的沙漠等各种环境中生长  t.co/sjpYHLPa9F
Embarrassing Moonwalk Slap, I'm Dying #slaps #crazyvideos #streetfights
尴尬的月球漫步耳光,我快要死了 #slaps #crazyvideos #streetfights
should the Lakers sign Valanciunas and let Anthony Davis play the 4 again?